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Who are we?

Messiah Christian Church is a part of the Protestant family. The protestant churches have been around historically for more than 160 years in Bulgaria. The activity of the protestant missionaries around our lands is since the middle of the XIX century with the preparation of the first Bible translation to a spoken Bulgarian. In 1860 Bulgaria gets its first Protestant School, and four years later the First Evangelical Church in Sofia is founded. The Protestant churches in the country manage to survive even through the hard for Christianity decades under Communist regime. According to some reports from NS’s archives, the Christians from protestant communities prior to 10.11.1989 are more than 50 000. The current statistics point out that the protestant Christianity is the third biggest denomination in the country. Around 150 000 Bulgarian citizens consider themselves Protestants, belonging to the evangelical and protestant churches.

Messiah Church is a community of people, who have faith in Lord Jesus Christ. It was founded in 1991 in Stara Zagora and belongs to the Evangelical- Pentecostal community in Bulgaria.
Messiah Church is registered according to the Law for Confessions at the Sofia City Court as a denomination with the name “Messiah Christian Church” Stara Zagora. More than 15 churches in the country are registered in the same movement, having close relationships and co-working with each other.

Messiah Christian Church is an authorized member of the UEC- Alliance of the United Evangelical Churches in Bulgaria since 2011.

From 2012 the church is a member of the c3 global movement (Christian City Church) with center- Sydney, Australia.

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Pastor Lyubo Petkov

He is born in 1969.

He receives Christ for Lord and Savoiur in 1989.

From 1990 to 2003, Lyubo Petkov lives and ministers as an assistant pastor at CEC Shalom, Lovech. He is a co-founder and an assistant pastor for 13 years.

In 1991 he marries Tanya Petkova and together they commit themselves to active ministry at CEC Shalom. In 1993 Lyubo Petkov is officially ordained in a pastoral ministry by Ps George Michaylov - Senior Pastor of Shalom Christian Evangelical Church, Lovech.

In 1995 Ps Lyubo graduates as a bachelor in Theology at the Vision Bible College- Ramona, California. For years he is been teaching in the national chain Christian Training and Studying Institute Vision for Bulgaria.

In 2002 he graduates from Haggai Institute in Hawaii, USA.

He is studying a Master’s Degree in Theology at TCM (Training Christian for Ministry)- Vienna, Austria.

His wife Tanya Petkova is born in Pleven, in a Christian family with a rich history and a significant contribution to the Evangelical movement in Bulgaria. She is a Bachelor in Theology at the Vision Bible College- Ramona, California since 2007.

On March 2nd 2003- Ps Lyubo and Tanya Petkov become the senior pastors at Messiah Christian Church, Stara Zagora and are officially ordained in this ministry.

Ps Lyubo and Tanya have a blessed marriage and two amazing kids- Solomon and Debora. They are devoted to God and the church with the talents that they have.


We believe in:

God - the Father

God is the Creator of all. He is perfect and unchangeable, all-knowing, almighty, all-present, the redeemer of humanity.

Genesis 1:1; Isaiah 43:11;

The Son Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the second person of the Triune God, and is the eternal Son of God. He came to earth as a perfect God and a perfect man, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born by Mary. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins and was raised from the dead for our justification, and now he is on the right side of the Father as our High Priest and Defender.

Matthew 1:23; Acts 7:56; 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 4:15

The Holy Spirit

As the third person in the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father, is sent to the believers by God after the resurrection of Jesus, to guide them in all truths, to give them power to live a victorious Christian life and to judge the world for their sin.

John 14:26; 15:26; 16:7-8; 13


The man was created in God’s image and likeness to rule over creation, but he fell in sin when he rebelled against God. This action separated man from God and therefore man became a slave to sin and needs reconciliation and a Saviour to reach the state, he was created for.

Genesis 1-3; Romans 5:12-21 & 6:23


Redemption was only possible through the blood that Jesus Christ shed, paying the price with his Death and Resurrection and now man has access to salvation, which is a gift from God. People can earn their salvation only through repentance for their sins, faith in what Christ did on the cross and baptism in God’s name.

John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 10:9-10;

God - inspired Scripture

The Old and the New Testament of the Bible are the God- inspired Word, the highest authority of the faith and actions of a Christian. The Bible is consisted of total of 66 books, which are canonized- 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.

2 Timothy 4:15-17; John 1:1-3


The universal church of Christ is consisted of all newborn Christians, who represent the body of Christ here on Earth. It is revealed the local churches throughout the world.

Revelation 2:1; 2 Corinthians 11:28

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

The baptism in the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus Christ. It empowers the believers for a righteous life and ministry. This experience is something different than the experience of new birth, and the mark that testifies for it is speaking in a different language, according to the ability that the Spirit of God gives.

Acts 1:8; 2:14; 19:2-6;

Divine healing

The restoration of man’s spirit, soul and body was provided by our God Jesus Christ, after he was wounded on the cross and he was raised with the power of God. Divine health is available to every believer. Christ bought us from the curse of the law: sin, sickness, poverty and death.

Exodus 15:26; Acts 10:38; Galatians 3:13-14; 1 Peter 2:24;

Water Baptism

We believe that every newborn Christian must be baptized in water through full immersion in the name of Lord Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sins and the circumcision of the heart.

Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:1-4


We believe that every Christian should strive to a pure and a holy way of life, by separating from sin, washing themselves in the Word of God through obedience and holiness in a holy fear from God.

Matthew 5:48; Hebrews 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15-16;

The fruit and the gifts of the Spirit

We believe that the gifts or the manifestations of the Holy Spirit are a supernatural ministry of Lord Jesus Christ upon the church, and that every Christian can operate in the gift that God gives them. The fruit of the Spirit represents the character of Christ, who is a model for every believer to live a Christ-like life.

1 Corinthians 12:8-10; Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 4:10-11; Galatians 5:22-23;

The Resurrection

We believe that resurrection has passed, is present and will come to past. Our spirit was resurrected in our new birth- from the condition of a spiritual death it was raised to life. Our soul is transformed and in constant renewal according to the will of God. There will be a resurrection of our bodies, which are going to be imperishable in the likeness of our Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 1:23; John 5:24 and 11:25; 1 Corinthians 15:20-23; Philippians 3:11-21; Romans 12:2;

God’s Judgment

We believe that God’s judgment has passed, is happening now and will happen. First, our sins were condemned in Christ on the cross. Second, we are learning how to judge ourselves and others by staying in the presence of God. Third, we are going to be judged by the Judge of the whole Universe, everyone will be responsible for themselves, standing before God.

Acts 17:31; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 6:3 and 11:31-32;

Eternal conditions

We believe that the Kingdom of God is from eternity and in eternity. God’s Kingdom expands among us. The righteous will inherit heaven, and the unrighteous will go to hell, where they are going to spend eternity.

Luke 13:27-29; Revelation 21 and 22;

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Church culture

“Culture is quantity of remarkable spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional characteristics of community or a certain social group. It includes not only the arts and literature, but the lifestyle, the way of living with each other, the value systems, traditions and beliefs.”

(Definition by UNESCO)

Every family in the world has their own culture, their own values and a specific language that marks them as a family. We will share some of the values that build our culture.


Prayer is a major value. The church started as a prayer meeting on the day of Pentecost. We as a church don’t want to ever forget what the foundation is, but to be people of prayer.


Jesus is looking for worshippers. People, whose life style will worship God. The sound of praise gathers us and leads us into God’s presence. Music is an universal language and it gathers people together.

The Presence of God

We encourage everyone to learn how to enter in this great presence of the almighty God. We are called to carry a specific and a glorious atmosphere in this Earth. In this atmosphere, people are healed, set free and things happen in people’s souls. We receive salvation and experience God.

The Word of God- The Bible

God’s Word is the foundation. It gives us clear perspective about the life that we’re called to as Christians. That is why we give such a big importance to preaching, teaching and meditating in our services.

Vision and Faith

The Vision that we have is bigger than ourselves, our views and resources and it always requires faith. That is why it is so exciting, because God requires us to do things that are far beyond our abilities. That is why we trust him and his power to do this deed.


When we give and we are generous, it brings blessing and abundance. We want to be men and women known for their giving and their generous outlook towards life.


We are constantly building leaders. Leaders are these, who change the world. We inspire people to grow in their talents and their influence.


We want to have people, who are not just Christians who go to church, but we want to go farther. We want to see them become personal disciples of Jesus Christ.


We want to be relevant, accessible and understandable, as we understand the needs of our society. Constantly shaking off the old and embracing the new.


To surrender yourself to Christ, so you can serve for his purpose and in his house- the church with your talents and skills.


We are not trying to control the way people live. This is always an unique and delicate balance between the areas of our life, where we want people to be free, but on the other hand to live a holy and a pure life.


The unity of the Spirit is maintained by the bond of peace and accepting one another, because we are bound together. Where there is unity, anything could be achieved.

In the center of all this culture there is one person that is lifted up above everything- Jesus. We want all words to lead to Him and to come from Him in everything we do, so that all the paths that we create and the whole culture will praise Jesus and make him desirable.

For donations you can use the following methods:

Online donation with a card or PayPal:

Bank account (SEPA Transfer/International Wire Transfer):

Messiah Christian Church

United Bulgarian Bank, Stara Zagora
IBAN    BG65UBBS80021071295315

Church Address:
175 Major Kavaldjiev Street, apartment 1
Stara Zagora, 6000

Bank Address:
United Bulgarian Bank
50 Ruski Boulevard
Stara Zagora, 6000


Messiah Christian Church,
Stara Zagora 6004,
175 Major Kavaldjiev street

Office: mail office
tel: +359 (0) 42 25 10 93;
Cell phone: +359 (0) 89 859 0576

Pastor: mail pastor

Church services:
Every Sunday: 10:00 AM
175 Major Kavaldjiev street